Mysticism, Witchcraft

Simplicity in spirit work

I started a second job recently. At this new workplace, there are some statues with offering dishes of coins. I recently confirmed (though earlier suspected) that the statues serve as homes or vessels for spirit guardians of this space, originally put in place by the previous owner, who has since passed away.

Though the statue appearances are totally benign and not at all startling or out-of-place as decor, the first time I noticed a particular pair of them, before knowing anything about them, it felt like a physical jolt or shock of energy passed through me. Yesterday I witnessed a stranger experience the exact same thing, unprompted. Coworkers say this is common.

In my belief system, what I was sensing and what others sense as well is the power of these spirits when they choose to make their attention known to visitors.

Or, more casually, what I said as a reaction: “Wow, you guys aren’t just statues! You’re spirits!”

Offered this “greeting” from them, I chose to take some time to dig into my wallet for spare coins. I kneeled down to introduce myself and give each of them an offering. The vibe I felt changed from the sensation of eyeballs staring at me, deliberating, to pleased acceptance.

In my mind’s eye, my perception of the energies shifted so that I “saw” these spirits as cats leaning into me, stepping around my legs in figure eights, rubbing against my ankles. In hindsight, my “vision” makes perfect sense, since living cats do this to claim humans as familiar and welcome within their territory. They’re not “my” spirits (not that I’d claim to own any beings anyway), but as of right now, I’ve been accepted in their space. This delights me.

A lot of resources about spirit work include fervent messages about protecting yourself and being wary, along with elaborate rituals and techniques before ever interacting with spirits. This can be important, and forms the bulk of some traditions’ techniques. But combined with Hollywood portrayals of malicious entities, sometimes people learn to be fearful.

Sure, I’ve made some mistakes with my… shall we say nonchalant… approach to spirit work. There are risks, like with anything, and I’ve had to clean up some spiritual messes. But when you are, in general, safe and protected in a basic sense, whether it’s by your own magic, your ancestors, gods, or trusted spirits, or simply the fact that you as a corporeal being are grounded in this world and have more power here, you don’t necessarily need a full-blown ceremonial circle casting every time you want to interact with another being. Especially if your intuition feels good.

Protect yourself, of course, and do whatever makes you feel most comfortable and whatever your chosen path suggests. But know that spirit work can be and often is as simple as a friendly exchange of greetings and gifts, feeling each other’s energies.

If it feels good and right to you: Pour out some water or sprinkle some birdseed for landwights. Leave a few coins for some house and shop spirits. Focus on the energy of your favorite pop culture characters, and tell them why they’re meaningful to you. Say hello to the ghosts in old, haunted buildings, touch the old walls gently and tell them how much you like visiting. Pick up stray trash in parks and graveyards.

Spirit work can be as simple as any of these. Super casual, requiring only a little bit of attention, intuition, and compassion for beings we can’t always see.

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Featured image source: Geograph, labeled for reuse.

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