Admin, Devotional

Call for Submissions: The Troth’s Loki Devotional

Editor contact for questions/comments:
Bat Collazo

At Trothmoot 2019, a plan began to form for a Troth-published Loki devotional book, featuring writing and art from a wide variety of Troth members. We are now seeking submissions for this yet-to-be-named book. If you’d be interested in contributing, please see below!


  • Poetry
  • Short stories expanding upon lore or creating new modern myths
  • Short play scripts
  • Rituals for Loki, or Loki in relation to his family
  • Original spells tailored to call on Loki
  • Song lyrics and/or full sheet music
  • Personal essays about your worship of Loki or experiences
  • Analysis of Loki’s roles in lore or modern Heathenry, especially as applicable to modern practice (we already have lore summaries covered – we’re looking for perspectives that offer interpretation and make new connections)
  • 2D artwork or photos of 3D artwork (make sure all image submissions would look good printed in black and white, are at least 300 DPI, and are PNG or TIFF format)


All contributors must be current members of the Troth.

All contributors must submit their own work (not someone else’s).

Previously unpublished works only.

Exceptions: if you have a blog post you’d like to modify, expand, and submit, that should be fine on a case-by-case basis. Same with art that has only been shared with a small group of people (i.e. posted on your personal Facebook). However, my goal is to create a new body of work on Loki, rather than recycled materials.

No specific limits for submission minimum lengths. Maximum word count per piece is around 20,000 words.

Proofread to the best of your ability before submission.

Works will not be rejected solely for spelling or grammatical errors. An editing team will make corrections as needed.

All relationship dynamics with Loki (including undefined, hard or soft polytheist, agnostic, child of Loki, spouse of Loki, friend, student, and any of the other diverse experiences) are welcome in your submissions.

Complicated experiences are fine, too, though as this book specifically honors Loki, submissions denigrating Loki and condemning his worship will be rejected.

UPG/SPG is welcome, so long as it’s apparent from the context of the piece that this is your own experience. If you switch between lore and UPG/SPG in the same essay, for instance, this distinction should be made clearly.

Anything scholarly or semi-scholarly, or any quotes from other sources, needs to include in-text citations and a bibliography. MLA format preferred.

All submissions should adhere to the mindset of inclusive Heathenry. This means any works promoting white supremacy, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other oppressions will be rejected.


May 1st, 2020


Send all submissions either in the body of the email, attached as a Word document, or attached as PNG or TIFF for images, to:

Please make the subject header “LOKI DEVOTIONAL”. Please also include a brief bio (100 words or less) with your submission, including the name you would like to be credited under.


This book claims First North American Print and Electronic Rights, which means we get to publish your work first in North America. All rights revert back to the creator upon publishing.

This is a volunteer publication, and all proceeds from book sales will be donated back into the Troth as a whole. No funds will be distributed to the editor-in-chief, editor team, or contributors.

I will strive to let you know within one month whether or not your piece has been accepted. If you haven’t heard back in one calendar month from your submission date, please feel free to send a follow-up inquiry.


Certain members of Loki’s family are currently outside the bounds of the Troth due to the position statement. There will be a fuzzy line between 1) discussing them academically or mentioning their existence in a Troth-published book (acceptable), 2) a personal experience as an individual (uncertain), and 3) actively promoting their worship on behalf of the Troth (currently banned). Don’t worry about finding the line in your own submissions. You’re welcome to submit anything you’d like in regards to Loki’s family, as this submission will be a private communication. Then, if necessary, our editorial team will determine that line with the input of Troth leadership, so that we can balance acknowledging Loki’s family with respecting the position statement.

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